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About Us

The MISSION of HBIC is to provide a safe and caring environment with programs including academics, physical development, positive behavior support, vocational training, independent living skills and communication training where individuals with disabilities have the opportunity to develop to their maximum potential and improve their quality of life via a highly qualified staff; all-the-while providing support and encouragement to their families.

Photograph of the HBIC and CHDS building in La Habra, California.

Founder, Cleta Harder, was a mother, wife, school board member, PTA Officer, and concerned citizen and friend.  After watching a dear friend struggle to care for a daughter with special needs, Cleta wanted to help.  Through months of research and networking with various professionals, Cleta and a group of caring individuals opened a location at the Pioneer Hall of Brea.  Help for Brain Injured Children, Inc. (HBIC) was born, and so began the mission of "Giving Hope" to individuals with disabilities and their families.


In 1980 The Cleta Harder Developmental School (CHDS) was then established and certified by the State of CA Board of Education as a non-public school (NPS), followed later by the HBIC Adult Day Program (ADP) and the Positive Behavior Support Team.  HBIC has helped with hundreds of students and clients in the Southern California region, while consulting with families throughout the world.  HBIC recognizes that each individual is unique, with their own challenges in coping with the the demands of society, and believes that everyone should be afforded the opportunity to reach their full potential.  It is our philosophy that "all individuals have the right and the ability to learn."


Contact Us
981 N. Euclid Street
La Habra, CA 90631

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Program Hours

HBIC Non-Profit:  Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:30pm

Non-Public School CHDS:  Mon - Fri 8:45am - 3:00pm

Adult Day Program:  Mon - Fri 9:00am - 3:00pm

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